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Lovely, subtly defined cheeks. That's what we like.

Dr Michael Aicken's method for safely and subtly augmenting the zygomatic arch (cheek bones) has become widely accepted by a variety of other aesthetics clinics - and not just practitioners that he has taught personally - other training academies even use his instructional video, which he placed publicly on YouTube back in the days of iPhone 4s.

Are cheek fillers right for me?

This treatment effectively restores the volume lost when the natural fat pads of the face have started to slip downwards due to the effects of gravity over time. On their own, enhancement of the cheek bones help give the contoured look often hinted at with contour makeup, but this simple tweak can also contribute to a less-rounded or less squared appearance, having an overall feminising effect on the profile.

Dr Mike has been using hyaluronic acid gel (dermal filler) to make subtle tweaks to faces for over 16 years, teaching his own techniques to thousands of trainees from around the world. Whether you're looking to restore the cheekbones of your youth or create the cheekbones of your dreams, we always aim for natural looking results to enhance and rejuvenate your appearance.

How long does it last?


Cheek filler is temporary, although it is fairly long-lasting and can be easily topped up. Because it's just so easy to lean on our cheekbones in our sleep, it means that filler in this area doesn't last quite as long as other parts of the face - we make up for that in some respect by using a stronger product. We would expect cheek filler to last 3-9 months depending on the client and the product.

Will it hurt?

A strong anaesthetic numbing cream will be applied to the area ahead of injecting. This will minimise discomfort. The filler itself also contains lidocaine which will optimise comfort levels throughout. Additionally, as Michael has vast experience in injecting dermal filler, his injection technique will also limit discomfort.

What volume to go for?

This is between you and Dr Mike who will offer bespoke advice during your free consultation. Every patient is different, and the results can be as subtle or as pronounced as you like. Typically we tend to use 1-2 ml, across both cheeks, on most clients. It's best to start small and build it up with a follow-up appointment if needed.

What will it cost?

Our cheek filler at Astral Skin Clinic is £230 for 1ml (in one area) and £330 for 2ml.

What is the downtime?

As with all injections, it is possible that some slight swelling or bruising will occur for 2-3 days. We ask that you try to refrain from touching your lips or applying cream or makeup directly after the procedure. That being said, as treatments go, there is very little downtime, and after 12 hours makeup and creams can be applied.

Feel ready to book with us or have some more questions? Click the link below to contact us via WhatsApp or email. We can book you directly into a clinic appointment or arrange a free telephone consultation with Dr Mike.

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